How to Develop Newborn Circadian Rhythm For Better Sleep

Do you find yourself craving some much needed sleep at night, while your newborn seems to have a different plan altogether?

Welcoming a newborn into the world is truly one of the most special and joyous occasions. Truly there is not much that can compare to this moment. But, it doesn’t take long for sleepless nights to become a new parent’s reality. In this blog, we’ll explore how understanding and developing a newborn circadian rhythm can help set them up for better sleep in their first few months of life.

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What is Circadian Rhythm?

Before diving into the logistics of your newborn’s sleep, I find it helpful to understand what circadian rhythm is. The circadian rhythm is essentially the body’s internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycles in a 24-hour period. This natural rhythm helps determine when you feel awake and alert and when you feel sleepy.

When Do Newborns Develop a Circadian Rhythm?

Newborns do not come into the world with a fully developed circadian rhythm. Instead, they have what’s often referred to as an “immature” circadian rhythm, meaning their sleep-wake cycles don’t line up with our typical awake during the day and sleep at night. Their immature circadian rhythm is what leaves new parents confused and exhausted when their baby’s days and nights become mixed up. 

Part of our circadian rhythm comes from a hormone called melatonin. Newborn’s do not produce their own melatonin until around 12-16 weeks of age. This really adds to newborn sleep being very unpredictable- today they slept 22 minutes while yesterday they gave us 2 hours…does this sound familiar?

How Much Sleep Does My Newborn Need?

Understanding your newborn’s sleep needs is so helpful for providing the right environment for healthy development. Newborns have very different sleep requirements compared to older children and adults. On average, newborns need around 16 to 18 hours of sleep per day, but this sleep is divided into several short naps and nighttime sleep.

Helping Your Newborn Establish Their Circadian Rhythm

We know that newborns have an immature circadian rhythm, but we as parents and caregivers can help establish, encourage and develop their circadian rhythm. 

Here are some helpful tips that over time can help sleep come easier:

      • Natural daylight exposure during the day and creating a calm, dark and soothing environment at night.

      • Head outside in the mornings for natural light exposure.
            • ☀️Sunny day = 5-10 min

            • ⛅️Cloudy day = 10-15 min

            • ☁️Overcast day = up to 30 min

      *keep baby in the shade and out of direct sunlight. Sunscreen is not recommended until after 6 months of age.

          • Opt for a red light during overnight wakings to keep your room in “night mode” as red light has been shown to not decrease melatonin levels.

          • Utilize a white noise sound machine at 40-60 decibels and is 3 feet away from baby.

          • Establish a bedtime routine

        Establishing a Bedtime Routine for A Newborn

        Establishing a bedtime routine is a great way to signal to your baby that it is time for sleep. Even young babies can benefit from a simple, yet consistent routine each night – this is how they tell time!

        Here is a Sample Newborn Bedtime Routine:

        Newborn bedtime routine sample

        What Products Can Help My Newborn Sleep?

        While there is no shortage of newborn products marketed to help babies sleep better, it’s essential to choose items that are safe and effective.

        Here are some Newborn Sleep Products that were helpful for my own children and that of my newborn clients:

              • Baby Carriers for Newborns: babywearing can help soothe your baby, decrease crying, promote sleep, closeness and attachment.



            If you’re feeling worried, stressed or frustrated about your newborn’s sleep, check out my Newborn Sleep Support Package that includes a 2 hour in-home consultation and assessment including recommendations for feeding, sleep, soothing and routines!


            Understanding and navigating your newborn’s circadian rhythm can be a challenging, but rewarding experience. While newborns may have an immature circadian rhythm initially, with patience, consistency, and a few helpful tips, you can establish a sleep routine that helps both you and your baby get the rest you need. 


            Remember that every baby is unique, so it’s essential to be flexible and adapt as your baby’s sleep patterns develop over time. And lastly, you are exactly what your baby needs!


            newborn baby carrier*Picture of my daughter in my Solly Baby Wrap. This was a life saver for the first 6 months!


            Yates J. PERSPECTIVE: The Long-Term Effects of Light Exposure on Establishment of 

            Newborn Circadian Rhythm. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Oct 15;14(10):1829-1830. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.7426. PMID: 30353824; PMCID: PMC6175794.

            Spencer JA, Moran DJ, Lee A, Talbert D. White noise and sleep induction. Arch Dis Child. 1990 Jan;65(1):135-7. doi: 10.1136/adc.65.1.135. PMID: 2405784; PMCID: PMC1792397.

            Moon, R. Y., Carlin, R. F., & Hand, I. (2022). Sleep-related infant deaths: Updated 2022 recommendations for reducing infant deaths in the sleep environment. Pediatrics, 150(1). 

            Dreaming of Finding Better Sleep for Your Baby?

            **Don't miss out! Grab your free download and discover my BEST sleep tips! Dive into example awake time schedules by age for a stress-free routine with your baby!

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